Sunday 12 January 2014

Pioneer of PR : Phineas T.Barnum

Phineas Taylor Barnum or P.T. Barnum was the person who originated many methods to attract public attention. He has always been considered as the master of press agentry, a promoter of endless imagination.

Barnum defined himself as a consummate showman by profession eventhough he was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and for some time a politician. He embarked on an entertainment career first with a variety troupe called " Barnum Grand Scientific and Music Theater" after he moved to New York in 1835. He started with a method of triggering human curiosities by purchase and exhibit Joice Heath, an almost-paralyzed and blind woman claimed to be 161-year-old. However, autopsy report put her age at 70-80 after her death in 1836.

 In 1842, Barnum introduced his first major hoax known as "Feejee" mermaid. He described his hoax as an advertising material to attract public attention to the Museum owned by Moses Kimball.

In the same year, He introduced the midget General Tom Thumb who was actually 4 years of age but to be stated as 11. By using his natural talent and ability, Tom Thumb was taught to imitate people from Hercules to Napoleon. At the age of 5 years old, he already learnt drinking wine and at the age of 7, he smoked cigars to entertain the publics. Tom Thumb enjoyed his good relationship with Barnum.

There were many more hoaxes promoted by Barnum such as Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale who possessed a very quality soprano voice and the way she projected her voice was earnestness. During his tour with Tom Thumb in England, he become aware of Lind's popularity but first conceded Lind's voice as unmusical. However, he took the risk to pay for Lind's performance in America for 150 nights. He believed that her reputation for morality and philanthropy could be turned to good use in his publicity. Other hoax promoted by Barnum was Jumbo the Elephant.

Barnum never let the truth interfere with his publicity and press agentry techniques. He used publicity to make money, pure and simple. Eventhough he contributed positively to our understanding of the power of publicity, his lack of honesty led to a legacy of mistrust of publicity efforts which is sometimes exist even today.

He died in his sleep at home on April 7, 1891. The London Times fondly called him "a harmless deceiver" because they believed that as long as press agentry is used to promoted circuses, entertainment, and professional sports, its negative potential is limited. However, it could become a threatening if this method is used in bussiness or politics.


Advertising : refer to paid space and time in the media.

Press Agent: One who uses information as a manipulative tool, employing whatever means are available to achieve desired public opinion and action.  

Press Agentry : The publicity produced by a press agent work or skill especially in making a person or thing look more desirable, admirable and successful.

Public : A group of individuals tied together by a sense of common characteristics or responses.

Publicity: Publication of news about an organisation or person for which time or space was not purchased.

Planned Publicity: Publicity that is the planned result of a conscious effort to attract attention to an issue, event or organization.

Source : 
Public Relations: The profession & The Practice by Lattimore, Baskin, Heiman & Toth (4th edition)


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